Balance Your Chakras with Kundalini Yoga
Your life is in your chakras. Understand how your yoga practice, state of being, and life’s choices integrate into your experience through your chakras.
Discover your power to transform your life, balance your chakras with listening, learning awareness practices, Kundalini Yoga, and meditation.
Learn how to develop your self-sensory system and bring more abundance and fulfillment.
Experience your chakras balancing and revitalizing your body, mind & spirit.
Kundalini Yoga helps balance your chakras so you can balance your energy, strengthen your aura, and experience the expansion of your infinite nature. This workshop includes teachings, practices, live music- guitar, gong, and Kundalini
More about Kundalini Yoga:
Yoga which combines asanas (postures), pranayama (breath/energy control), and meditation. Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness. You can learn how to rise to meet the challenges of everyday life; to relax and realize the self; and to grow into fulfillment in every moment of your life. The word “kundalini” means “the curl of the hair of the beloved.” It is a poetic way to describe the ever-flowing energy and consciousness that exists within every one of us.The practice of Kundalini Yoga enables us to merge with the Universal Self, creating a “divine union” called “yoga.”
Open to all ages - beginners and experienced yoga practitioners alike.