Balance Your Chakras with Kundalini Yoga


Your life is in your chakras. Understand how your yoga practice, state of being, and life’s choices integrate into your experience through your chakras.

  • Discover your power to transform your life, balance your chakras with listening, learning awareness practices, Kundalini Yoga, and meditation.

  • Learn how to develop your self-sensory system and bring more abundance and fulfillment.

  • Experience your chakras balancing and revitalizing your body, mind & spirit.

Kundalini Yoga helps balance your chakras so you can balance your energy, strengthen your aura, and experience the expansion of your infinite nature. This workshop includes teachings, practices, live music- guitar, gong, and Kundalini

More about Kundalini Yoga:

Yoga which combines asanas (postures), pranayama (breath/energy control), and meditation. Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness. You can learn how to rise to meet the challenges of everyday life; to relax and realize the self; and to grow into fulfillment in every moment of your life. The word “kundalini” means “the curl of the hair of the beloved.” It is a poetic way to describe the ever-flowing energy and consciousness that exists within every one of us.The practice of Kundalini Yoga enables us to merge with the Universal Self, creating a “divine union” called “yoga.”

Open to all ages - beginners and experienced yoga practitioners alike.

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